Saturday, December 31, 2016

Thanksgiving at Cloudland Canyon State Park

I joined my daughter, Jennifer, family and friends at Cloudland Canyon State Park, GA for Thanksgiving this year. The Thanksgiving dinner was cooked mostly in slow cookers.
Fall colors were still pretty at Cloudland Canyon.

My site at the campground across from Jennifer and Tony's site.
Jennifer and Tony's site.
Looking up at all the color.

The Douglass site put up multiple hammocks.
Notice the power supply for iPhones and electric throws.
On a hike. Yes, they jumped the gap.
I just focused on the views.

Tony and Jennifer

An especially pretty spot, looking into the canyon.

Back at camp.
Ashley's breakfast attire.
French Toast and bacon!
It was Celeste's birthday. 
Tony made this for her. Both Celeste and Jennifer are runners.
Alexis and Ashley doing what teens do.
Another hike in the wilderness.
A hiking we will go...

Alexis leading the way.

Jennifer walking a balance log.
Park visitor center.
Views from the overlook trail.
Looking over...
Family: Ashley, Tony, Jennifer

Another overlook

Jennifer took this picture of a Pileated Woodpecker.
Thistle enjoyed the trails too.

Stretching is good before a hike. I can't stretch this far anymore.
Well, I never could stretch that far.
Hard to resist picking up the colorful leaves.
We found a cave along the trail.
And my camera's zoom locked up right after this picture. Yes, the new one. Hopefully it can be repaired. It is still under warranty.